The little ducks by the lake

The little ducks by the lake

The little ducks by the lake

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where sunbeams playfully dance between the leaves and the air is filled with the song of birds, lies a shimmering lake. On a sunny morning, Pirrewitje, the small, friendly gnome who lives in a hollowed-out tree, decided to visit this lake to see how the forest inhabitants were doing.

As Pirrewitje played on his little wooden flute, a cheerful tune that echoed through the forest, he arrived at the lake. There, he saw a family of ducks peacefully swimming in the water. The mother duck led the way, followed by a line of her ducklings, all neatly in a row. Their gentle quacking and the calm lapping of the water brought a smile to Pirrewitje’s face.

Pirrewitje decided to play a game with the ducks. He gently plucked a few floating water lilies and carefully placed them on the water’s surface, close to where the ducks were swimming. The ducklings, curious and playful, began to play with the flowers, gently pushing them forward with their beaks.

The scene was a beautiful reminder of the simplicity and beauty of nature, and how important it is to care for our environment and cherish the small moments of joy.

Pirrewitje sat quietly on the shore for a while, enjoying the company of the ducks, before he returned to his home in the tree. He resolved to visit the ducks more often and to always be a friendly gnome to all the forest dwellers.

Join the choir: quack! Quack! Quack! 😍🏆👏

Today I am not going to create a drawing of Pirrewitje playing with the ducks by the lake. Let’s imagine how beautiful and peaceful the scene is instead: Pirrewitje sitting by the water’s edge, surrounded by nature, playing on his wooden flute as the ducks swim merrily around him. Perhaps you and a parent or friend can draw your own version of what you imagine Pirrewitje and the ducks look like? This could be a fun activity to let your own creativity blossom!

Happy drawing! 😀👏

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