Playing leapfrog

Playing leapfrog

Playing leapfrog

On a sunny day in the Gnome Forest, the little forest gnomes decided to play a fun game. Pirrewit, the tiny gnome with the red pointy hat, had the idea to play leapfrog! All the gnomes were immediately excited and gathered in a clearing between the trees, where the grass was soft and green.

I’ll start!” Pirrewit called out cheerfully. He crouched down low and shouted, “Jump over me!” The first gnome, Blossom, took a few steps back, ran forward, and hop! She jumped in a big arc over Pirrewit. All the gnomes cheered.

Next, it was Spring Gnome’s turn. With his bright green hat, he made a graceful leap over Blossom, adding a little skip in the air. The gnomes laughed joyfully and clapped their hands.

One by one, the gnomes leaped over each other. Gnome Thyme, with his cheerful smile, even did a little dance after his jump. And Gnome Squirrel, who was always a bit shy, eventually joined in too. When he jumped, the gnomes cheered even louder to encourage him.

The sun shone brightly through the trees, birds sang in the sky, and the forest gnomes had the best time. They jumped, ran, and laughed, just like little bunnies hopping across the field. After everyone had jumped a few times, Pirrewit decided it was time to rest. They all sat in a circle and enjoyed the soft grass beneath their feet.

What a wonderful day,” Blossom said contentedly, picking a daisy. “And we’re all so good at jumping!” Spring Gnome added.

Pirrewit smiled wide and said, “We’re a great team, together we can do anything!”

Playing leapfrog
Playing leapfrog

Do they jump? Yes, they do! 👍

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