Fun countdown and color plate

Fun countdown and color plate

Fun countdown and color plate

Come and join the choir!

Ten little ducklings by ©️ MiBeeb

Ten little ducklings

Ten little ducklings in the sun,
Waddling around and having fun.
One dove in with a splash so fine,
Now there are only nine.

Nine little ducklings by the gate,
One got sleepy, it’s getting late.
Eight little ducklings chirped in heaven,
Until one waddled off—now there are seven.

Seven little ducklings, in a fix,
One found a flower—now there are six.
Six little ducklings gave a dive,
One swam away—now there are five.

Five little ducklings playing more,
One said goodbye—now there are four.
Four little ducklings under a tree,
One wandered off—now there are three.

Three little ducklings near the zoo,
One joined a friend—now there are two.
Two little ducklings basking in the sun,
One found some shade—now there’s one.

One little duckling all alone,
Called to its mother and waddled home!

And the song!

Ten little ducklings by ©️ MiBeeb

Wasn’t that fun!

Fun countdown and color plate
Fun countdown and color plate

And a coloring page on top of that!

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